The Wall Street Journal

Client / The Wall Street Journal
Project Type / Cover Story
Role / Producer - Eli Perdew

WSJ Cover story - Lewis Hamilton on Building His Formula 1 Legacy


New York


WSJ talks with Lewis Hamilton, Star Formula 1 Driver, Plans to Revolutionize the Sport

News & Press

People Magazine's


Credits ◿

Talent / Lewis Hamilton

 LH team: The Lede Company

WSJ Creative Director / Magnus Berger

WSJ Executive Photo Director / Jennifer Pastore

WSJ Senior Photo Editor / Dana Kien

WSJ Senior Marketing Editor / Alexander Fisher

WSJ Fashion Assistant / Kevin Kuynh

WSJ Fashion Assistant / Nathan Simpson

WSJ Fashion Assistant / Jessica Gibbs

 Stylist / Law Roach

Stylist Assistant / Danielle Creacy

 Photographer / Cass Bird

Lighting Director / Clay Howard Smith

DIT / Anthony Miller

Lighting Assistant / Daniel Van der Deen

Lighting Assistant / Jayson Jordan

 Grooming / Jillian Halouska

Hairstylist / Lisa Torres

Prop Stylist / Peter Klein

Prop Assistant / Keisuke Asano

Prop Assistant / Nik Kozmin

 Production Company / Boom Productions

Executive Producer / Roger Inniss

Producer / Eli Perdew

Executive Assistant / Carolina Perez

PA / Daniel Arroya

PA / Saul Rodriguez



 Alternative Versions

 Screenshots & Behind the Scenes


Vogue / Dressed Up To Stay InFull Production


Ami ParisProducer: Eli Perdew