shiseido syncho skin complexion

Client / Shiseido
Project Type / Social Media
Role / DP

Shiseido complexion campaign


Milk Studios in New York, NY + Milk Studios in Los Angeles, CA


Shiseido’s new Syncho Skin line of makeup on display with Pony, Halima + Esther.

Credits ◿

Director / Miguel Reveriego

Executive Producer / Louise Feldman

Producer / Todd Dana

Production Supervisor / Carol Ramser

DP / Josh Etheridge

1st AC / Jared Etheridge

DIT / Robert Lynn

Gaffer / Olivier Simille

Grip / Justin Loy

Grip / Kevin Kozicki 

Prop Stylist / Matthew Davidson 

Prop Assistant / Pulla Arronondo

Hair / Dennis Gots

Hair Assistant / Lauren Clark

Manicurist / Jolene Brodeur

Sound Mixer / Dennis Hamlin

PA / Michael Anstead

PA / Carl Kalamon

 Alternative Versions

Halima + Esther DP Cut

 Screenshots & Behind the Scenes


Dr. RossiFull Production


Vogue / Body RevolutionFull Production